Anti-imperialist resistance against the coup
As the Trump administration and other governments escalate their threats against Venezuela, the international left is uniting to condemn the undemocratic drive for a coup. A statement initiated by the Partido Revolucionario de los y las Trabajadores of Mexico and signed by other leftists and left-wing organizations condemns the imperialist threat hanging over the head of the Nicolás Maduro government and demands that the Venezuelan people be allowed to democratically decide their own government.
THE LATIN American anti-capitalist and socialist organizations and individuals who have signed this statement, committed to the conquest of sovereignty, freedom and democracy for our peoples, condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this latest attempt — by means of an open coup d’état cynically coordinated by the United States or by foreign military intervention — to overthrow the elected government of Nicolás Maduro. An imperialist intervention, as on other occasions, will not defend democracy, but precisely the opposite. It will not be aimed solely at the Maduro government, but will maintain regional imperialist dominion.

Between January 22 and 23, 2019, we have witnessed an operation coordinated from the White House — based on Vice President Mike Pence’s cynical call — to install a usurper, an illegitimate president for whom no one voted. The line dictated by Pence in Trump’s name was carried out in Venezuela with great precision. Internationally, the Organization of American States and those countries who have signed the “Declaration of Lima” immediately subordinated themselves to the imperial plan by recognizing the illegitimate presidency of Juan Guaidó. First among these, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Argentine President Mauricio Macri and Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez attempted to enforce a blockade against Venezuela in line with Trump’s militarist policy, lending credibility to a provocation that supposedly justifies armed intervention. The real usurper, Guaidó, contributed to this provocation by taking shelter in the Colombian embassy in Venezuela.
From our many different countries, we will join in united anti-imperialist actions to condemn this attempted coup in Venezuela. We call for broad anti-imperialist campaigns against this new chapter in a long history of U.S. interventions on our continent. Defending Venezuelan sovereignty does not mean disregarding the Maduro government’s contradictions or our criticisms of it. However, the basis for a common democratic understanding demands that only the Venezuelan people, in a free, sovereign and democratic manner, without being puppets of any imperialist power, must control their own future.
No to the coup d’état in Venezuela!
Stalín Pérez, Luis Bonilla, Liga Unitaria Chavista Socialista, Venezuela
Edgard Sánchez, Luis Rangel, Josefina Chávez, Andrés Lund, Gabriela Zanabria, Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, México
Daniel Libreros, Movimiento Ecosocialista, Colombia
Olmedo Beluche, Félix Villarreal, Briseida Barrantes, Abdiel Rodríguez, Polo Ciudadano, Panamá
Cheron Moretti, Jacqueline Parmigiani, Comuna, PSOL de Brasil
Martín Mosquera, Democracia Socialista, Argentina
Jonathan Fuentes, Corriente Amaru, Perú
Tarzia Medeiros, Secretaria General del PSOL, Brasil
Guillermo Almeyra, escritor y militante revolucionario, México
Mario Azeredo, miembro de Dirección, PSOL-RS
Berna Menezes, Ejecutiva Nacional del PSOL
Mario Hernández, Argentina
Eduardo Lucita, economista, Argentina
Claudio Katz, economista, Argentina
Aldo Casas, militante revolucionario, Argentina
Nora Ciapponi, militante socialista, Argentina
Mario Quiñones, médico y militante revolucionario, Venezuela
Eric Toussaint, escritor y militante internacionalista, Bélgica
Jorge Herrera, Fernanda Justo, Alberto Bárcenas, Luis Rojas y Edgard Sánchez, Organización Política del Pueblo y los Trabajadores, México
José Santos, Frente Socialista, México
Gregorio Miranda, Partido Revolucionario del Pueblo, México
Mario Rojas, Comité de Unidad Popular, México
Luis Rojas, Organización Nacional del Poder Popular, México
Luis Téllez, Coordinadora Socialista Revolucionaria, México
Juan Farrera, Partido Comunista Mexicano
Isabel Segovia, Juventud Comunista Mexicana
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Alcaldía del Municipio Libertador de Caracas
Sindicato de Trabajadores de FCA Chrysler
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Occimetalmecánica
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Filtros Wix
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Vicson
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Encava
Modesto Emilio Guerrero, periodista
Nancy Espassandin, maestra y politologa socialista, Uruguay.
Silvia Beatriz Adoue, ENFF y UNESP, Brasil
Para Um Nuovo Começo, Centro Político Marxista
Francesc Mata, La Aurora
Ricardo Napurí, militante socialista, Perú-Argentina
Francisvaldo Mendes, presidente da Fundaçao Lauro Campos do PSOL
Edwin Qiles, Ángel Cuadrado, Francisco Torres, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Puerto Rico
Todd Chretien por el CC, International Socialist Organization, Estados Unidos